Extending Grace

Extending Beyond Our Four Walls

The Extending Grace Team is taking the hope of the gospel to neighborhoods and communities around the county. This team shares the love of Jesus through food relief, youth groups, community events, bible studies, and much more. If you have a heart for local missions, and want to put the Gospel into Action outside the four walls, this is the team for you! 

We will be at the following locations: 

March 8, from 11am to 1pm
Grace Community Church Gym
16731 Woodgate Rd.  
(while supplies last) 

*During the months of November to March, MOBILE FOOD RELIEF will be at Grace Community Church (please check back for dates and times) 

*From April to October, MOBILE FOOD RELIEF will be in the community  

**weather permitting** 

We're here to help!  

Our goal is to not only to bless you with groceries but make a connection to show and share the love of Jesus. 

There are no requirements to receive the groceries. Households will receive assistance with approximately enough food for at least 3 days. This can include canned goods, pasta, fresh produce, meat, dairy, and baked goods. Each grocery giveaway will vary depending on availability. 

We rotate approximately twice a month (April to October) and approximately once a month (November to March) serving high traffic locations. MFR usually operates approximately the second and/or fourth Saturdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Grocery giveaway is 11-1 or until we run out.

City Youth Nights will be on Thursdays from 6:00pm-8pm at the MADA building at 17 N 6th Street in Montrose.   

Join us as we present the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus to our town! 

Opportunities: Meal prep, set-up/tear down, Olley the Trolley host, small group leader, worship team, prayer team.

Upcoming Events

Mobile Food Relief will be this Saturday, January 11th in the Grace Community Church Gym at 16731 Woodgate Rd. 11a-1p (while supplies last). 

While we pack your groceries, you can shop our bonus table with fruits and vegetables, bread, dessert items, canned goods and much more. 

Looking for teams to help with youth events in the different communities that our city youth night kids live in. Doing things such as movie nights, summer events etc.!  

Opportunities: Set-up/tear down, hosts, decoration, food prep, cooks, music, prayer teams, drivers.

Love the Western Slope is a ministry that strives to share Gods love through random acts of kindness. Rich, poor, middle class, every race and every creed, all could use a touch of God’s love. We are working to make the communities of the Western Slope better by acts of kindness and we’re doing it in the name of Jesus. Love the Western Slope is a ministry your whole family can be involved in.

Olley is a major part of Extending Grace at Grace and needs some TLC from time to time. If you are mechanically inclined or just want to help us keep Olley clean this is the team for you! 

Opportunities: Maintenance, repair, routine checks, design, drivers. 

Join the Extending Grace Team 
The Extending Grace Team is taking the hope of the gospel to neighborhoods and communities around the county. This team shares the love of Jesus through food relief, youth groups, community events, bible studies, and much more. If you have a heart for local missions, and want to put the Gospel into Action outside the four walls, this is the team for you! 

This ministry WRAP's around foster and kinship families, that could use some support by Words of encouragement, Relief/Respite care, Acts of Service, and Prayer.

Every Wednesday, while school is in session, from 3:30 - 5:00PM, we serve snacks/food to middle and high school students. Come and share God’s love with these youth by making a connection through games and food.