Grace Montrose Youth

Middle & High School Youth Nights  

Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm, 6th-12th grade students are invited to join for Youth Nights. Middle school students will start in the Gym, high school students can meet us in the Welcome Center. We have music, games, snacks, interactive teaching, and lots of time for personal connection with our awesome Youth Leaders. We want every student to know how much God loves them and who He declares them to be! 

When: Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm 
Where: Main Auditorium, Youth Center, Gym, and/or Patio (when the weather is nice) 
For whom: 6th-12th grade students

Middle School Small Groups  

On Sunday mornings at both our 9am and 11am services, 6th-8th grade students are invited to join us in the Gym for our Bible overview. We take a look at a book of the Bible every week and explore why it's in the Bible and how it applies to our lives. Students are dismissed during the service and meet in the Youth Center. 

When: Sunday mornings during the 9 am and 11 am services 
Where: Youth Center 
For whom: 6th-8th grade students

High School Small Groups  

Small Groups for high school kids are offered at different times and locations throughout the week. These groups are for more focused discipleship and accountability. Many of these groups are led by high school students! 

Gym's Diner  

We serve lunch to high school students every Wednesday from 11:30-12:15 when Montrose School District is in session. Meet us in the Gym at Grace! We offer rides from Montrose High School in Olley the Trolley. Meet us on Townsend at 11:40 for a ride. A suggested donation for the meal is $3, but not required. Follow us on social media to see what we're serving.

Get Connected

Follow our Instagram and Facebook accounts for updates about events and to find ways to get involved in youth ministry.