Join Dream Team
Find your place to serve at Grace
What is Dream Team?
The Dream Team is a group of incredible people that have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving in them. From creating a comfortable environment by serving on the Weekend Support Team, to leading the next generation to Jesus by serving on the Grace Families Team, to crafting a dynamic experience with the Production Team, to building connections with others by leading a Small Group or partnering with the Extending Grace Team—we are a group of people that are committed to giving and growing in the Kingdom of God.
Discover Gifts and Passions
Your motivational gift shows God’s unique gift to you and why you see life through a particular lens. When you know and understand your motivational gift, your Kingdom purpose will become more clear.
- The eyes of the body; gifted with spiritual sight; say what they think; declare the truth; right or wrong, black or white; quality control; speak out about spiritual and/or social concerns in any setting
- Strengths - sees to the heart of the issue; motivated to reveal the truth; concerned with revealing a person’s motives; has natural discernment
- Weaknesses - Has a hard time keeping silent when they feel the truth is being twisted, hidden or offended; usually lacks tack; doesn’t always speak the truth in love; needs to learn when to speak and who to speak to
- Embracing this gift - Approach life and others with grace; learn that not everything needs to be said.
- The hands of the body; meets physical needs; usually task oriented; has to do something to help
- Strengths - Can see tasks that need to be done; always ready to serve; has the attitude that no task is too small.
- Weaknesses - Motives may often be misunderstood; can be easily offended if not appreciated; looks down their nose at those who don’t see others’ needs; not able to say “no”; can isolate themselves behind the scenes; doesn’t receive as well as they give.
- Embracing this gift - Remember who you are serving (God, and not people); recognize your specific area(s) of calling and be sure “good” things don’t take away from it.
- The mind of the body; researches, instructs, and communicates information for others’ understanding and growth.
- Strengths - Motivated to validate truth; wants to know why, when, how, where; they are all about facts and details; asks questions.
- Weaknesses - Can be boring; have to tell others why they’re qualified; may over-value training and degrees; won’t listen if the other person isn’t “qualified” in their mind; tends to give too much info; can be easily offended and critical; can struggle to give practical application
- Embracing this gift - Be teachable
- The mouth of the body; cares for the spiritual needs of others; builds up; is the pep rally leader; encourages others; may or may not teach; meets a specific need at a specific time.
- Strengths - Not easily discouraged; on top of any situation
- Weaknesses - Often won’t let others grieve; can lack empathy; views things as “mind over matter”; can ignore the work of the Holy Spirit; may talk a lot; pride in motivational skills; overload of people’s demands; offended if counsel is not taken.
- Embracing this gift - Remember that others are human like you; remember that it’s the kindness of Christ that draws people to Him.
- The arms of the body; gifted to produce and share resources (usually money); loves to give, even if they don’t have much; are often frugal so they can give more; if they can’t meet the need themselves, they’ll find another way to meet it.
- Strengths - Motivated to make money and give money; generous; caring; resourceful.
- Weaknesses - Can become stingy or a hoarder; can give away too much and neglect themselves; offended if you don’t take their money advice; debt or lack of financial planning offends them; equates love and value with gifts; critical of those who don’t or can’t give; may use money to control
- Embracing this gift Remember that money is just a tool; if misused you ruin the tool and what you were using it on. Be on guard that you don’t control others with financial gifts.
- The arms of the body; gifted to produce and share resources (usually money); loves to give, even if they don’t have much; are often frugal so they can give more; if they can’t meet the need themselves, they’ll find another way to meet it.
- Strengths - Motivated to make money and give money; generous; caring; resourceful.
- Weaknesses - Can become stingy or a hoarder; can give away too much and neglect themselves; offended if you don’t take their money advice; debt or lack of financial planning offends them; equates love and value with gifts; critical of those who don’t or can’t give; may use money to control
- Embracing this gift Remember that money is just a tool; if misused you ruin the tool and what you were using it on. Be on guard that you don’t control others with financial gifts.
- The heart of the body; sensitive; full of love, compassion, and mercy; usually very forgiving; focuses on emotional needs of others; shows they care with words and actions.
- Strengths - Compassionate, empathetic, loyal, forgiving, perceptive, consoling, and non-judgmental
- Weaknesses - May be blind to other’s faults; will take on the offenses of others; can be easily used; has trouble seeing others’ motives; may have trouble balancing mercy and justice.
- Embracing this gift Don’t lose sight of the truth that the real needs of all people are forgiveness and salvation. To lose sight of that is to miss the most important thing. Exposure to those with the gift of exhortation can be helpful.
The Gospel Starts In The Parking Lot
The Gospel Starts In The Parking Lot
The Gospel Starts In The Parking Lot
The Gospel Starts In The Parking Lot
See Where You Can Serve
Choose a Ministry below to see all available Dream Team Positions where you can use your Gifts for the Kingdom of God.
If you're interested in joining our amazing team, please fill out the application below:
All Grace Kids Dream Team members are required to pass a background check and arrive at least 40 minutes before service for team huddle.
- Welcome Team
- Check-In- Check-in Team members are responsible for greeting families as they arrive in Grace Kids and getting families checked in with our digital check-in system.
Motivational Gifts: Leading, Serving, Exhorting
- Check-In Supervisor - A check-in supervisor assists occasional weekends as a supervisor in Grace Kids, assisting the Grace Kids staff in any way needed, arriving an hour before service begins and remaining until 30 minutes after the last service. Duties include preparing Dream Team snacks, turning on lights and computers, setting up classrooms, acting as hall monitor, taking attendance, and cleaning up, shutting down rooms after service ends.
Motivational Gifts: Leading, Serving
- Elementary Team
- Small Group Leader - Small group leaders are in charge of running the main lesson and activities during service, delegating appropriate tasks to small group helpers, and training them to lead when ready. Small group leaders also take a small group of 5-10 kids for discussion and prayer time each service, are ready to answer questions about salvation and should be comfortable leading a child to Christ. They are encouraged to write encouraging notes to students that our staff address and mail to children. Our goal is to have two small group leaders and one helper in each class. Small group leaders are strongly encouraged, but not required, to serve weekly to increase connection with their small group kids.
Motivational Gifts: Teaching, Exhorting, Insight
- Small Group Helper - Small group helpers assist small group leaders in the Bible lesson and activities in Grace Kids small groups. When necessary, small group helpers may sit near children having a difficult time listening or get in contact with GK supervisors for help when needed. When appropriate, small group helpers take small groups of 5-10 students and lead discussion and prayer time with that group. When a small group helper is ready, they will begin taking the lead on activities and the lesson until they are ready to become a small group leader. Small group helpers serve 1-2x/month.
Motivational Gifts: Teaching, Exhorting, Mercy, Insight, Serving
- Elementary Host - This position assists the elementary classes with the following- Make sure activity station tables are ready for students and reset them for the next service (for example, take apart Legos, make sure caps are on markers, etc.) Announce when it is time for a new activity using the microphone. Set up game supplies. IF the game is a group game, help explain rules/demonstrate/be the guinea pig. IF the game is done within each class, walk around and encourage students, cheering them on. Start the worship videos in the booth. Dismiss each class to their classrooms for lessons. Some downtime! Watch the clock and give a heads-up to classes if they are exceeding the recommended time for lessons. Pass out snacks to each class once they return to the auditorium. Help direct grown-ups to their student’s class for pick-up
Motivational Gifts: Leading, Exhorting, Serving, Teaching
- Kingdom Kids Team - This is our preschool-kindergarten team made up of three classes: Little Kingdom for 2-3 year olds, Mighty Kingdom for 4-5 year olds (potty-trained), and our kindergartners.
- Mighty/Little Kingdom/Kindergarten Leader - Leaders are responsible for meeting children at the door of the classroom to welcome them to class and take time to connect with the child’s grown-ups. They are in charge of reading the prepared lesson prior to class. Then in charge of running worship songs, the activities, delegating appropriate tasks to helpers, and training them to lead when ready. They are encouraged to write encouraging notes to students regularly, that our staff address and mail to children. Leaders are strongly encouraged, but not required to serve 2x/month to increase connection with their small group of kids that they see on a regular basis.
Motivational Gifts: Teaching, Exhorting, Insight
- Mighty/Little Kingdom/Kindergarten Helper- Helpers are responsible for meeting children and playing with them right after their grown-ups have dropped them off in the classroom so the teacher can greet parents and other children coming to class. They assist the leaders in the lesson activities/games by preparing for the activity, singing/dancing during worship or cleaning up the activity when done....etc. When necessary, helpers may sit near children having a difficult time listening or be asked to leave to get necessary supplies/ask questions of supervisors. When a helper is ready, they can begin taking on leading activities and the lesson until they are ready to become a leader. Helpers service 1-2x/month.
Motivational Gifts: Teaching, Exhorting, Mercy, Serving, Insight
- Nursery Leader - Leaders are responsible for greeting the children as they come into the Nursery. They are to engage children in activities, cuddle those that need a little extra reassurance and oversee snack time. They are responsible for diaper changes and any similar needs the children may have. Teachers are encouraged but not required to volunteer 2x a month to help build relationships and a sense of familiarity with the children and their families.
Motivational Gifts: Teaching, Mercy, Serving
- Nursery Helper - Helpers are expected to assist Nursery Leader. They are responsible for meeting children inside the Nursery with a smile and positive attitude. They are to help soothe and redirect those infants and toddlers having a hard time being away from mom or dad. They are encouraged to get down on the floor and interact with the children engaging them in age appropriate activities. As parents start arriving for pick up, the Nursery Helper should assist in gathering the child’s belongings and relaying them to the Supervisor.
Motivational Gifts: Mercy, Serving
- Mom to Mom Childcare- Mom to Mom is looking for warm hearts who love to snuggle babies or play with kids to give our mamas a break to recharge and connect with God and other mamas. M2M Dream Team members will need to be cleared through Grace's background check system. Dream Team members will be requested to serve the first and/or third Thursday of each month from 5:45-8:00 PM. Age groups range from newborn to 8 years old. Leaders will be provided with a craft/game and snacks for each classroom. Each class has 2+ Dream Team members depending on the number of children.
Motivational Gifts: Teaching, Mercy, Serving
*All positions that work with children require a background check.
Our mission is to take the Gospel and put it into Action out in the community.. Community Outreach is always ready and willing to do what we can to follow the mission of Grace Community Church by “Love God and Love Others.” Some of the ways we are able to do that are by:
- City Youth - We meet Tuesday evenings in Montrose for our City Youth Night. Join us as we present the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus to our youth! Opportunities to serve include meal team, prep/clean up, Trolley drivers and hosts, small group leader/helpers, and security.
Motivational Gifts: Teaching, Exhorting, Mercy, Serving, Insight, Leading, Giving
- Olathe Afterschool Program - During the school season after school on Wednesdays, we connect with middle and high school age youth in Olathe. We make connections with them through food, games and conversation. Opportunities to serve include food prep, serving and connecingt with youth through games, prayer and conversation.
Motivational Gifts: Teaching, Exhorting, Mercy, Serving, Insight, Leading, Giving
- WRAP Ministry - Words of encouragement, Relief/respite care, Acts of Service and Prayer. WRAP is a ministry that wraps around foster/kinship families to help them feel supported when their lives are turned upside down. Can you drop off a meal, send a text/card of encouragement, pray for families, give parents a date night by watching the kids for a few hours, then this is the ministry for you. Opportunities to serve include team coordinators, team leaders and team members.
Motivational Gifts: Exhorting, Mercy, Serving, Giving
- Mobile Food Relief - Join our team as we go out in the community monthly and bless families with groceries! Each family is prayed over and blessed by the gift of food! Opportunities to serve include food donations, grocery pick-up, trailer prep, pull the trailer, greeters/hosts, grocery packers, griller, set-up/tear down, prayer team.
Motivational Gifts: Leading, Giving, Mercy, Serving
- Outreach Events Team - Several times a year the Outreach team sets up events related to the Gospel of Jesus. We capitalize on seasonal events like Christmas and Easter, and partner with other organizations in the community. Opportunities to serve include set-up/tear down, hosts, decoration, food team, planning team, music, prayer teams, drivers.
Motivational Gifts: Teaching, Exhorting, Mercy, Serving, Insight, Leading, Giving
- Movie Nights - Why not watch a movie outside with friends you haven’t met yet? We hand out popcorn and other concessions, watch a fun movie to make connections in our community. Opportunities to serve include set-up/tear down, concessions, and connection.
Motivational Gifts: Exhorting, Leading, Giving, Mercy, Serving
- Love The Western Slope- We strive to share God’s love through random acts of kindness. Opportunities to serve our community with care kits for the displaced, laundry and popcorn kits, flowers for Mothers Day, partnering with other community organizations for more community outreach . This is an easy intro to Outreach, that can be done alone or with family and friends.
Motivational Gifts: Exhorting, Leading, Giving, Mercy, Serving
- Olley the Trolley Team - Olley is a major part of Outreach at Grace. We are looking for drivers. You will need a CDL with passenger endorsement. Olley also needs some TLC from time to time. If you are mechanically inclined or just want to help us keep Olley clean this is the team for you! Opportunities to serve include drivers, maintenance, repair, routine checks and cleaning.
A member of the Worship Arts Dream Team is a time commitment of about 10 hours per week not counting time for personal rehearsal and prep. We do not over schedule Dream Team members; we simply ask that they would be available 1 weekend a month. We require all Dream Team members to attend Saturday practice and all weekend services when scheduled.
- Production - Camera Operator: Coordinates with Creative Pastor & Production Manager to capture the Services/events on camera for the broadcast feed. Will report to the Producer & Video Director (Entry Level- Beginner)
Contact Jean Sandoval at 203-589-7664
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Leading, Giving, Teaching
- Production - Projection Operator: Ensures the weekend service slides are accessible and accurate. Creates slides as needed. Coordinates with Creative Pastor & Production Manager to get correct slides/media on screen during church services. Reports to the Producer & Video Director. (Entry Level- Beginner)
Contact Jean Sandoval at 203-589-7664
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Leading, Giving, Teaching
- Production - Video Operator: Operates the video switcher and collaborates with the Video Director to choose camera angles during the service to enhance visualization and representation of each service. The video operator will need to be at scheduled church services. Reports to the Producer & Video Director. (Entry Level- Beginner)
Contact Jean Sandoval at 203-589-7664
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Leading, Giving, Teaching
- Production - Producer: Communicates and Oversees with the worship Pastor, video director (camera angles), mobile camera (movement) and projection operators during the weekend services. Monitors and helps with the flow and transitions of the services. Works along with the Front-of-House (Auditorium) and Broadcast (Online) Sound engineers and arranges equipment such as stationary cameras (capturing moments), Projectors, etc. Reports to the Creative Pastor & Production Manager. (Entry Level- Beginner)
Contact Jean Sandoval at 203-589-7664
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Leading, Giving, Teaching
- Production - Front of House (Auditorium) Sound Engineer: Ensures that all sound equipment is operational and at proper and safe decibel levels for church services. Coordinates with Worship Pastor, Creative Pastor & Production Manager to ensure proper audio levels are present for our Live (Auditorium) services to include band, Pastor’s mics, video and audio presentations as needed. Required to rehearsals and scheduled church services. Reports to the Worship Pastor, Creative Pastor & Production Manager.
(entry level-intermediate)
Contact Jean Sandoval at 203-589-7664
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Leading, Giving, Teaching
- Production - Broadcast (Online) Sound Engineer: Oversees audio levels and broadcast mix for our Online Church community on the weekends and for special events. Coordinates with Worship Pastor, Creative Pastor & Production Manager to ensure proper audio levels are present for our Live (Auditorium) services to include band, Pastor’s mics, video and audio presentations as needed. Required to attend rehearsals and scheduled church services. Reports to the Creative Pastor & Production Manager. (entry level-intermediate)
Contact Jean Sandoval at 203-589-7664
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Leading, Giving, Teaching
- Worship - Musician: **All must pass audition** - Coordinates with the Worship Pastor to help support the band play a pleasing and professional music set list through the instrument they play. Musicians will be required to have their own basic equipment, i.e. guitars, music and anything else to make sure they are fully prepared by Saturday afternoon rehearsal. Must have a basic concept of reading chord charts. Must attend rehearsals and weekend services on weeks they are scheduled. (entry level-intermediate)
Contact Eric Durante at 970-249-5306 ext. 14
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Insight, Mercy, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Leading
- Worship - Vocalist: **All must pass audition** - Coordinates with the Worship Pastor to help support the band play a pleasing and professional music set list through the vocal part they sing. Vocalists are required to be a lead vocalist and be able to do basic harmonies. Must attend rehearsals and weekend services on weeks they are scheduled. (entry level-intermediate)
Contact Eric Durante at 970-249-5306 ext. 14
- Greeter - Looking for warm smiling faces to welcome people on the weekends at church. Making connections is more important than just handing out a bulletin. The greeter is the first impression at a weekend service, and this person will welcome others with joy. Expected to attend the team huddle 40 minutes before the service begins.
Contact Renell Good at 970-249-5306 ext. 22
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Mercy, Insight, Exhortation
- Welcome Center Host - This person is a friendly face in the Welcome Center to answer questions about any announcements or events that people need information about or need help signing up for. A welcoming presence and a general idea of using computers needed. Expected to attend the team huddle 40 minutes before the service begins.
Contact Renell Good at 970-249-5306 ext. 22
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Mercy, Leading, Exhorting
- Weekend Service Prep Team - This person would be responsible for refreshing and restocking Dream Team Central and the coffee shop for weekend services. Tuesday or Thursday availability between 10:00am-Noon is ideal, but can be flexible. This might appeal to someone who is task and detail oriented, and enjoys being more ‘behind-the-scenes’ when they serve.
Contact Robin Thompson at
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Insight, Giving
- Barista - Grace has the privilege of running a first rate coffee shop to help folks feel more at home as they attend church. We make and serve favorite coffees, and you could be part of a great team that is vital to our weekend services. Will train on coffee machine operation.
Contact Renell Good at 970-249-5306 ext. 22
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Mercy, Giving, Leading
- Prayer Team - Is a part of the team who prays for people at the end of the weekend services.
Contact Gina Leuthauser at 970-249-5306 ext. 12
Motivational Gifts: Insight, Mercy, Exhorting
- Security Team - Is a part of the team to provide security around weekend services and Youth Night. Must pass a background check and have a concealed carry permit. Is scheduled to a regular service and will be expected to attend training events as well as team huddle 40 minutes before a service begins.
Contact Robin Thompson at 970-249-5306 ext. 22
Motivational Gifts: Insight, Leading
- Medical Team - Is a part of a team of people who have medical experience and are willing to be "on call" at a weekend service in the case that there's any potential medical concerns that arise at the service.
Contact Renell Good at 970-249-5306 ext. 22
Motivational Gifts: Insight, Leading, Mercy
- Parking Lot Team - Is a part of a team of people who serve after a weekend service to help the flow of traffic out of the parking lot.
Contact Renell Good at 970-249-5306 ext. 22
Motivational Gifts: Service, Leading
- Facilities and Maintenance - Is part of an on-call team who cares for the church facilities in various ways- landscaping, construction, church repairs and cleaning.
Contact Kevin Romero at 970-249-5306 ext. 19
- Small Group Leaders - These groups are where deeper connection is found at Grace. Small Groups are defined as any consistent gathering of three or more people around a common interest, with Jesus as the center. They are formed by a “Free Market” approach, meaning anyone can lead any kind of group, with Pastoral approval, and as long as growing in relationship with Jesus and with others is the ultimate goal of the group.
Contact Gina Leuthauser at 970-249-5306 ext. 12
Motivational Gifts: Insight, Teaching, Exhorting, Leading
- Marriage and Family Ministry- Leaders in this ministry will be part of a team of people who care deeply about the health of marriage and families at Grace. They can facilitate a marriage small group or help with premarital counseling and/or marriage mentoring with training.
Contact Sara Mitchell at
Motivational Gifts: Insight, Teaching, Exhorting, Leading
- Greeters and Event Hosts to welcome and care for event attendees.
- Food/Snacks/Beverages Coordinators for the event.
- Decoration Team to “beautify” and clean up after the event.
- Set Up/Tear Down Team
- Run an advertising table in the Welcome Center on weekends leading up to the event.
- Contact Amy Chism at 970-249-5306 ext. 29
- Motivational Gifts: Leading, Serving, Giving, Insight, Mercy
Growth Track Hospitality Team - Works closely with Discipleship Pastor to prepare for Growth Track each session that it is held in a year. Includes cooking, creating a welcoming environment and interacting with Growth Track participants.
Contact Renell Good at 970-249-5306 ext. 22
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Leading, Insight, Mercy
Receptionist Team - Works half day or a full day throughout the week at the church reception desk, answering phones, greeting people who come through the doors, and answering questions people have.
Contact Leianne Romero at 970-249-5306 ext. 10
Motivational Gifts: Serving, Insight, Mercy, Exhorting